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The very foundation of our expertise is our ability to quickly find and analyze vulnerabilites in all kinds of products and systems. And we mean all kinds of products and systems: when we're confronted with a never-before-seen target in a penetration test (APT simulation) which looks like a promising path to one of our mission objectives, we need to quickly learn how it works, rapidly analyze it to find its soft spots and exploit some of the discovered vulnerabilities without disrupting customer's operations. In a single engagement, this can occur multiple times and we've thus met and successfully attacked many interesting targets like legacy mainframes, obscure remote access modems, proprietary internal applications, special-purpose devices, rare expensive machines and appliances.

On the other hand, when a customer needs us to find vulnerabilities in a particular product (that they are producing, using or considering buying), we use the available time to find as many and as severe security defects as possible. This is made possible by our internal knowledge base that we've been building and continually updating for over a decade; it contains all vulnerability types, attack methods and security tricks - those publicly known and those found or developed internally by our researchers.

Click on the icons below to find out more about our services. To order our services, contact or call +386 2 3000 280.

ACROS Application Security Analysis

ACROS Penetration Test

Security Consulting

. ACROS Application Security Analysis
. ACROS Penetration Test
. Security Consulting

. Customer Quotes

"I've worked with the ACROS folks before, and they're among the best. Really impressive technical depth, combined with an appreciation for the impact that vulnerabilities can have on regular users."

(Senior Security Strategist at a multi-billion dollar software vendor)